up pgt sociology syllabus in english

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Up Pgt sociology syllabus in english- 2022

up pgt sociology syllabus in english

Syllabus – Lecturer Sociology (16) – 

Meaning of sociology, scope, origin and development of sociology, relation of sociology with other social sciences, western thinkers of sociology, Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber Indian thinkers – Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi, Radhakamal Mukerji , Bhagwandas, Updated/Recent trends of sociological theories, Inter-trends Functionalism, Theory of Conflict, Theory of Social Exchange, Symbolic Interactionism, Phenomenology Major Social Institutions Family, Marriage, Religion Major Social Processes: Cooperation, Conflict, Elementary Concepts Social Group, Committee, Institution , Community, Social Stratification, Geographical Environment and Human Society – Culture and Personality, Socialization, Social Control, Social Change Hindu Social Organization – Varnashrama, Religion, Purushartha, Sanskar, Theory of Karma, Hindu Marriage and Joint Family, Marriage and Family in Muslims , caste system, jajmani system, kin organization, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and other backward and Problems related to class, Indian women and their related problems. Rural Transformation and Development Integrated Rural Development Program and Panchayati Raj, Westernisation, Sanskritisation, Parochialization, Universalisation, Secularisation, Modernization of Indian Society, Structure Dynamics, Entrepreneurship, Industrialisation, and Development, Emigration and Urbanization Problems of Urbanisation, Indian Urban/Policy Land and Agriculture Reforms, Social Stratification and Change – Caste and Class, Rural Power Structure and Emerging Leadership, Concept of Social Disintegration, Individual Disintegration and Disintegration of Families, Crime and Child Crime, white collar crime, Causes and Remedies, Social Problems, Unemployment, Poverty, Alcoholism and drug addiction, prostitution, begging, population problems, social welfare programmes.

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#up pgt sociology syllabus in english



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