UPHESC Sociology Syllabus in English -2022

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UPHESC sociology syllabus in english pdf 2022

UPHESC Sociology Syllabus in English -2022


Unit-1 : Basic Sociological Concepts and Institutions : 

Sociology- Definition, Nature and Scope 

Sociological Concepts, Sociological Perspective 

Basic Concepts-Community, Institution, Association, Culture, Custom, Norms and Values 

Social Structure: Meaning of Social Structure; Status and role 

Social Group: Primary & Secondary, Formal – Informal, Ingroup – Outgroup, Reference group 

Social Institutions : Marriage, Family, Kinship, Economy Polity, Religion, Education 

Social Stratification : Social differentiation, Hierarchy and Inequality, Exclusion Forms of stratification : Caste, Class, Gender and Ethnicity 

Theories of social stratification

Social mobility : Meaning and types

Socialization-Meaning, agencies and theories  

Social change and its types Evolution, Diffusion, Progress, Revolution, Transformation Theories of Social change 

Social reform and Social movement 

Unit-2 : Sociological Theories and Perspectives : 

Structural functional : Radcliffe Brown; Levi – Strauss; S.F. Nadel.; Malinowski, Durkheim,  Parsons, Merton; J. Alexander 

Interactionist : Social action : Max Weber, Pareto 

Symbolic Interactionism : G. H. Mead, Blumer 

Conflict – Karl Marx, Dahrendorf,  Coser, Collins, Althusser. 

Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology : Alfred Shultz, Peter Berger and Luckmann; Garfinkel and Goffman 

Structuration, Post – Modernism; Post Structuralism & Post-Colonialism; Bourdieu, Haberamas, Giddens, Derrida, Foucault 

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Unit-3:  Research Methodology, Methods and techniques : 

Meaning and Nature of Social Research 

The scientific method 

Objectivity and subjectivity, 

Theory, fact and value 

Critique of positivism 

Ethical values in research 

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 

Historical method, Comparative method, Hermenautic method, Survey, Research 

Design, Hypothesis

Sampling and its types 

Techniques of data collection : Observation, Questionnaire, Schedule, Interview 

Qualitative Methods : Observation; Case study; Content analysis  

Statistics in Social Research – Mean, Median and Mode 

Unit- 4: Sociology of Development : 

Theories of Development : Human development, Social development 

Sustainable development : Ecological and Social Modernization 

Science, Technology and Society 


Issues related to Development

Regional disparity 


Ecological degradation and environmental pollution 

ICT and Network Society 

Unit-5: Urban and Industrial Society : 

Urban- Industrial Society in the Classical Sociological Tradition 

Urbanization & urban problems  

Division of labour 



Industrialization and Social Change in India  

Impact of industrialization on society 

Class and class conflict in industrial society 

Limitations of industrialization and urbanization 

Unit-6: Tribal and Rural Society :

 Meaning of Tribe, Tribe and Development, Tribal Studies 

Approaches to the study of Rural Society  

Rural – Urban differences 

Peasant and village studies 

Agrarian Institutions 

Caste and Jajmani system  

Agrarian class structure 

Land ownership and its types 

Panchayati Raj System 

Agrarian unrest, Peasant movements and formers movement 

Unit-7:Crime, Population and Gender Issues: 

Meaning and Theories of Crime and Punishment 

Crime and delinquency 

Deviance and its forms 

White collar crime, Corruption, Nepotism, Terrorism, Cyber crime, Probation, Parole and Justice 

Concepts of Fertility, Mortality, Morbidity and Migration 

Theories of Population Growth 

Gender as a Social Construct, Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Theories of Gender; Gender and Development; Women and Development  

Unit-8: Environment and Society : 

Social ecology, Indigenous knowledge, gender and environment, development induced displacement & rehabilitation; ecological degradation and environmental pollution Environmental movements   

Unit-9: Indian Sociological Perspectives :

Conceptualizing Indian Society 

Cultural diversity : Regional, linguistic, religious and tribal 

Indological / Textual Perspective : G. S. Ghurye, Louis Dumont 

Structural – Functional Perspective : M.N. Srinivas, S. C. Dube 

Marxian Perspective : D. P. Mukherjee, A. R. Desai 

Subaltern : B.R. Ambedkar; D. Hardiman 

Sociology in India and Sociology for India and Indigenization of Sociology 

Unit-10: Contemporary debates in Sociology: 

Debates on Tradition and Modernity in India 

Issues of Nation Building : Fundamentalism, Secularism 

Pluralism and Nation building; Democracy, Citizenship and Civil Society 

Ethnicity and Identity 

Challenges of LPG 

Contemporary movements in India 

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