Discuss the behavioural approach to the study of political science| Behaviouralism|ba political science notes

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Q- Discuss the behavioural approach to the study of political science. 

Discuss the behavioural approach to the study of political science| Behaviouralism

Behavioural approach 

Introduction – 

Behaviouralism, or the behavioural approach to the analysis and explanation of political phenomena,is particularly associated with the work of American political scientists after the second world war (1939-45) but its origin may be traced back to the works of Graham Wallas (Human Nature in Politics) and Arthur Bentley (The process of Government), Both published as early as 1908. The behaviourlists made significant contribution to political science during that period. Many Scholars like Gabriel A. Almond, Robert A. Dahl, David Easton, Harold Laswell and Karl Deutsch are Famous behavioralists.

Meaning of Behavioural approach

The behavioural approach to political science mainly emphasizes on scientific, objective and value free study of political phenomenon. This approach stresses upon the use of empirical as well as scientific methods of shady political behavior. This approach shifts its emphasis from the study of the state and government to the day-today problems, activities and behaviour of individuals and groups. Behavioural approach has portraits individuals as center of attention and examines their behaviour, actions and tries to comprehend them through a scientific outlook. 

According to David Easton, “the behavioural researcher wishes to look at the participants in the political system as individuals who have the emotions, prejudices and pre-dispositions of human beings as we know them in our daily lives.”

According to Leslie Lipson –“The behavioural method records the details of what men do, seeking to explain why they do…”

Thus, behavioural approach studies the political behaviour of individuals through an empirical viewpoint. It studies the legislatures, voters, decision makers, policy makers etc, in a scientific way and by correlating their activities and practices, tries to conceptualize and give answer to political outcomes.

Salient features/ Characterstics of Behaviouralism – 

According to David Easton, salient features or Characteristics of Behaviouralism –

Regularities : It implies that there are discoverable uniformities in political behaviour which can be expressed in theory-like statements so as to provide for explanation and prediction of political phenomena.

Verification : It requires that the validity of such theory-like statements must be testable, in principle, by reference to relevant behaviour.

Techniques : It means that the means for acquiring and interpreting data should be examined self-consciouly, refined and validated for the purpose of observing, recording and analysing behaviour.

Quantification : It is necessary because precision in the recording of data and statement of findings requires measurement which should be expressed in terms of actual quantities to facilitate proper analysis.

Values : The behaviouralists drew a clear distinction between ethical evaluation and empirical explanation, which were concerned with values and facts respectively. They insisted that objective scientific inquiry has to be value-free or value-neutral.

Systematization : It stands for establishing close inter-relationship between theory and research, because research untutored by theory may prove trivial while theory unsupportable by data may turn out to be futile.

Pure Science : It holds that the understanding and explanation of political behaviour is essential to utilize knowledge in the solution of urgent practical problems of society.

Integration : It signifies integration of political science with other social sciences in order to evolve a comprehensive view of human affairs, to strengthen its validity and the generality of its own results.

 Criticism Of Behaviouralism 

1) Behaviouralism exaggerates the importance of tactics.

2) It’s called pseudo-politics because it tries to defend just American institutions as the best in the world, rather than any others.

3) Emphasizes the behavioural influence over the institutional effect.

4) Emphasizes Static situations rather than contemporary occurences.

5) The importance of reserch is that, contary to popular belief, it cannot be force. conducted for Free.

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