conflict theory of social change by karl marx

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Conflict theory of social change by karl marx

Conflict theory of social change by karl marx

Social change theory of Karl Marx: 

Karl Marx and Engles are the famous exponents of conflict theory of social change. 

Marx treated economic and industrial reasons as the progenitors of social change, thus this theory is known as Economic Determinism or Technological Theory of Social Change and is known as the most important and revolutionary concept in present times. He made a physical study of history and said that whatever changes have occured in human society, have occured due to changes to the mode of production. He believes though population and geographical factors affect human life but they are not deciding factors. He added that deciding factors are economic factors or mode of production.

Marx, making clear his concept, writes a man needs some physical values (food, clothing and housing) to stay alive which are produced by him, for which means of production are required. These means of production are known as industry, which includes both small tools and large machines. Changes in technology brings about changes in production process. Man adopts any mode of production for satisfying his needs which is made of two parts, first the tools of productions, labour, experience of production and expertise and second, the relations with production. Such as a farmer while indulging in agriculture, forms relations with labourers, blacksmith and the buyers of his produce. Changes in the mode of production, it brings changes to society also. The speciality of production process is that it is never stable and also keeps on changing constantly. Production process is the basis of society, on which social, cultural, religious-political structures, faith and arts etc. are balanced. This is super- structure change according to the production mode. Marx says that when agriculture was done with the help of hand tools and bullocks and the production was small scale, there was a different kind of society, culture, religion and politics. Whereas today when tractor and scientific machines are used in agriculture and production is being done in large factories by large machines, there is a different society. There is a huge difference in politics, religion, culture, arts, literature, morality etc. of these two times. This makes it clear that society changes due to changes in production mode. The relations between the labour and businessmen in modern times are different from the relations between the labour and the owners of an earlier era.

Read Also-Weber’s Theory of Ideal Types 

Cyclical Theory Of Social Change

Marx says that economic structure of society is made from the whole of production relations. For example, the relation between the landlords and the labour formed agricultural economy which is different from the present economic structure which is called as industrial economy. When changes are induced in technology (tools of production), the knowledge of production and its expertise, it changes the super structure which is known as social change.

Marx says that there have always been two classes in every society throughout history, which is the history of conflict between these two classes. He divided the development of society into five eras and mentioned two classes in each, one group being the one which owns these production modes and the second is the one that works in production. The classes regularly clash in pursuit of their interests and every such class conflict leads to the growth of new classes. At present, the two classes are bourgeoise and proletariate. He says that the creation of classes and its nature fixes social system. In this way, the class conflict and the birth of new societies lead to social change. Thus, Marx treats class conflict too as very important for social change.


1. Marx emphasised only economic factors for social change and ignored other factors such as social, geographical and census factors as economic factors are also affected by these.

2. Marx says that social changes are brought about by economic relations and economic structure but was unable to make it clear what are the factors behind changes in industry and why they do so?

3. Marx did not clearly explained the words such as economic factors, the economic powers and their relations, economic reforms, industry etc. Some scholars include only economic aspects into it whereas Angel and Saligman have included every facet related to production in economic factors.

4. Marx has emphasised on class conflict, but the foundation of society is co-operation, not conflict.

Marx tried his best to place his theory on a scientific footing but he still tried to stress on economic factors. Man is not only a person to attain his economic needs only. Marx Weber criticized this theory and gives importance to religion in place of economic factors.

Conflict theory of social change by karl marx notes in English pdf download 👇👇

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Cyclical Theory of Social Change

Weber’s Theory of Ideal Types 

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