Meaning and definition of evolution in sociology

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Meaning and definition of evolution in sociology


Concept of evolution in Sociology has taken from Biology. Darwin propounded his theory of natural selection and said that the evolution of animals moved from simple to complex and from similarity to difference. Social scientists like Spencer and Morgan applied this concept in Sociology saying that culture and society too evolved in the same way.

Meaning and Definition of Evolution

The expansion of a thing on the outside is called evolution but scientifically, this meaning is incomplete. Scientifically, it is a process where a simple process, because of serial changes, adopts a complex form. For example, the development of a simple cell into a human child is evolution. In the same way, when the qualities, structure and the work of a thing undergoes constant change in a particular direction, it is evolution which may be presented as

Evolution = Constant Change + Particular Direction + Qualitative Change + Change in structure and work


Spencer writes that, “Evolution is the speed related to integration of some elements, during which an element changes from non-fixed and non-related evenness to fixed and related difference.” This leads to an increase in the complexity of a thing.

MacIver and Page write that, “When change lacks of continuity instead change is in a particular direction then our mean for, such change is evolution.” MacIver calls evolution as the change occurred by internal powers.

Ogburn and Nimkoff calls evolution as, “the change occurring in a particular direction.”


Evolution is that change in a particular direction which is caused by due to internal power of a thing leading to an increase in its complexity.

Characteristics of Evolutions 

Characteristics of Evolutions are given as follows:

1. Evolution is always from simple to complex: Initially, the parts of a living being are bound up and not clear but slowly they become distinct and separated and their forms are fixed. For example, foetus initially is all flesh which later on develops into bodily features.

2. Evolution is a slow and constant change: Evolution is a constant process which is so slow that it becomes difficult to track it.

3. Evolution is a process of differentiation: During evolution, differences are produced in different parts of an animal or society which become clear later. 

4. Evolution is a universal process found at all places and at all times.

5. Evolution moves in a particular direction though it is not known what will be the direction.

6. Evolution occurs due to internal increase of an animal.

7. Evolution is a qualitative change in an animal, or a society not numerical.

8. Evolution is a costless process, not related to good or bad.

9. Evolution occurs in fixed steps and in an order i.e. it occurs in a proper sequence without jumping over or missing any steps. For example, a child will grow into young and then old. He will not grow old first and then a young one.

10. The steps in evolution cannot be repeated: One cannot attain the steps that one has left behind.

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