Meaning and definition of progress in sociology notes

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Meaning and definition of progress in sociology notes


Progress is a special process of social change in which conscious efforts are made to attain set needs. 

The word ‘Progress’ comes from the Latin word ‘Progredior’ which means “to step forward”. Thus change and move towards the desired good is called progress. According to goal, place, and society there is change in the notion of progress. At one time which is called progress, the second time the same situation may be called declination. For example, In ancient times progress was considered to achieve spiritual goals but presently it is considered to get the physical goals and increase in amenities. It is highly related to the social values and every society has its own value. This is why, the concept of progress is found different in society. Thus, every society has got different concepts of progress.


Various definitions of Progress are given below:

According to Lester ward, “Progress increases human happiness.”

Hornell Hart says, “Social progress are those changes in social structure which free human tasks, provide inspiration and comfort and organize them.”

According to Ogburn and Neimkoff, “Progress means-change for the better and this is the reason for value fixation.”

According to Lumley, “Social change is the change in any planned or accepted direction, but not in wayward direction.”

Hobhouse says, “Social progress is an increase in those qualities of social life which it internalises and makes it reasonable.”

According to Gurwich and Moore, “Progress in the context of values, is movement towards accepted ones.”

Ginsberg says, “Progress provides reasonable solutions to social values.”

Thus, from these definitions, it becomes clear that progress is the change towards accepted values which increase human happiness and welfare.

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Characteristics of Social Progress

The characteristics of social progress are as follows:

1. Progress is a change in required direction: Change in any direction is not called progress but change in the direction where social value of society including desired goal is changed is progress.

2. Progress is comparable: The idea of progress is comparative it means progress varies according to time and place. The increase in population in one society can be said progress but in another society it is not.

3. Progress is related from collection life: Progress is not related to the profit or value of a particular person but it is related to collective benefits.

4. Progress is not automatic: Progress does not occur its own, for progress one has to do organised and conscious work. For example, for progress of a village, rural development plan has made.

5. Progress is related to only humans: The discussion of progress can only be done in human society because idea of value is found in them, but not in animals.

6. Progress causes more profit instead of less loss.

7. The concept progress’s is changable: This is related to social value, and the social value is not static but it changes with time. In India, to obtain spiritual goal was thought to be progress but now fulfilment of physical goal is known as progress.

8. Progress is based on values: The close relation of social progress is with the social value. As per social value any situation is good or bad. Thus, those goals which are appropriate by social value, that goals are called social progress.

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