Cultural features of China during the Ching Period

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Que- Discuss briefly the cultural features of China during the Ching Period.

Cultural features of China during the Ching Period


Qing /Ching dynasty (1644–1911)

The Qing / Ching dynasty (1644–1911) was founded by a northeast Asian people who called themselves Manchus. Their history, language, culture, and identity was distinct from the Chinese population, whom they conquered in 1644 when China was weakened by internal rebellions. The Manchus forged alliances with certain Chinese and Mongol groups that aided their conquest of China. Manchu rule did not completely uproot the government of China or its social and cultural life. By adopting the Ming form of government and continuing to employ Ming officials, the Manchus pacified the Chinese population. To guarantee Manchu control over the administration, however, the Qing made certain that half the higher-level officials were Manchus. Chinese military leaders who surrendered were given ranks of nobility. The Manchu rulers modeled many of their government practices on those of the previous Chinese Ming dynasty (1368–1644). For example, they employed a civil service examination system much like in previous Chinese dynasties to recruit Chinese government officials. In addition, the emperors were bilingual in Chinese and Manchu. Simultaneously, the Manchu rulers maintained and promoted many Manchu customs at court and within the general populace.The Qing dynasty, especially in the eighteenth century when the Qing empire wasthe largest and most prosperous in the world, saw prolific cultural and artistic achievements.Three Qing emperors were responsible for the notable stability and prosperity of the period.

They were Kangxi (reigned 1661–1722), Yongzheng (reigned 1722–1735), and Qianlong (reigned 1735–1796).

Cultural features of China during the Ching Period

Cultural Activities.—

Religion and Philosophy – In the field of religion and philosophy, all the three ideologies of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are found in this period. At this time the people here believed in many religions and philosophies. But still, Confucius had a special influence on the society, the reason for this was that Confucius was accepted in the government.

Literature – No new experiment was done in the field of literature at this time and yet a large amount of literature was created. The main reason for which the printing press was available in large quantities, most of the literature was written in manuscripts only, but the library was developed for the maintenance of literature. A lot of literature was written in the genres of story, story, novel etc. Apart from this, many texts related to military science,medicine and agriculture were written. The scientific study of linguistics was also started during this period.

Architecture – There was a lot of progress in the field of architecture and architecture during the Ming period. The architects displayed their skill in building grand palaces, temples,bridges and canals. A wall was built around the city to protect the southern capital Nanking. A new capital was made by establishing Peking in the north. The huge and grand palaces and temples built by the Ming rulers in Peking are a great gift of the architecture of this time.

Buildings and beautiful temples were beautifully decorated to make Peking more beautiful than all other capitals of this time. Peking is still famous for its grandeur and beauty.

Painting – Painting was popular in China. In this area also, like other areas, the universal style was adopted. No new style developed. Paintings were made in various subjects such as natural scenes, animals-birds, flowers-plants and person portrait etc. Full attention was paid to artistic efficiency in painting. Technically there was no shortage in painting.

Other arts – Carpets and blankets were made beautifully in the Ming period, beautiful utensils were also made in new designs. Sugar, pottery were made in large quantities here.Utensils were beautifully and firmly polished. Porcelain was exported to Asia and European countries.

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