Meaning,Definition and characteristics of Secularization|What is secularization in Sociology

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Meaning and Definition of Secularization 

Meaning,Definition and characteristics of Secularization|What is secularization in Sociology

Secularization derived from the Latin word, secular means ‘present age or generation’ it was first defined by Brian Wilson in 1966 as “the process by which religious thinking, practices, and institutions lose social significance.”

secularization can be understood as that social process by which rationality is gradually incorporated in religious, customary or traditional practices. In other words, the behavior of public life has a practical use, not a religious one. As a result, what was earlier considered to be transcendental, now its interpretation starts in cosmic context. It can be said more clearly that secularization is the human, social, practical or logical explanation of transcendental, traditional, divine or religious ideals.

Dr. M.N. Srinivas best suited for secularization’s definition. In your words, “The term secularization means that what used to be religious is no longer perceived as such. It refers to a process of differentiation that affects various aspects of society—economic, political, legal and moral— are seen to be more isolated from each other. 

Characteristics of Secularization 

Main characteristics of secularization are as follows-

1. Lack of Religiousness – As has already been explained that one of the major characteristics of secularization is the loss of religiosity along with his intelligence. As secularization increases in the life of the common man, there is a decline in religiosity. As a result, the thoughts of individuals change and they are replaced by social objectives or practical benefits.

2. Rationalization – A key characteristics of secularization is rationality. Under this, all beliefs, ideas or things involve logic. On the basis of logic and reasoning on every problem in life, it is rationality to change the thoughts on the basis of modern knowledge. The increase in rationality is secularization.

3. Process of Differentiation – Lastly, the process of differentiation can also be mentioned as a very important element or characteristic of secularization. The process of differentiation in secularization means that differentiation increases in the society. Various aspects of society – economic, political,religious, moral, legal etc. In all these areas the importance or influence of religion diminishes. Take the state for example. Earlier the king was also below the priest, but today religion and state have become separate. It is clear that under this process the bondage of religion in different areas of life ends.

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