Power and functions of House of commons in UK

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Que- Disscus the power and functions of House of commons. 

power and functions of House of commons.



The House of Commons is the lower house of the British Parliament. Its meetings are held in Westminster , London. The House of Commons, the lower house of Parliament, is an elected body consisting of 650 members known as Members of Parliament (MPs).


There are 635 members in the House of Commons, 516 for England, 36 for Wales, 71 for Scotland and 12 for Northern Ireland. Every British citizen who has attained the age of 18 enjoys the right to vote. There is no distinction between men and women in this respect. There is no racial, literary, educational property owning or tax-paying qualification. Only those citizens who are subject to legal incapacity. such as, insanity or imprisonment, have no right to vote. All British citizens of either sex, provided they are 21 years age are eligible for election. 


The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. He is elected by the members immediately after a new parliament is formed. As soon as he is elected, the Speaker cuts of his party affiliations and becomes a non- party man.


According to UK constitution the power and function of the house of common are as follow. 

(1) Legislative functions: 

The function of the House of Commons is numerous. Its most important function is law making. Parliament is a sovereign law-making body, within legal restrictions on its powers. In theory law making is just formal. The legislative powers of the House of Lords also have been drastically curtailed by the Parliament Act, 1911 and the Parliament Act, 1941. The House of Commons can initiate any measure. The most important bills generally originate there and the verdict of the commons determines their fate. A bill passed by the Commons goes to the House of Lords and then presented to the King for his assent, which is invariably signified. However, the House of Lords can delay the passage of a bill for one year.The Parliament of Act 1949 provides that if a non- money bill is passed by the House Commons in two successive sessions and one year has elapsed between the date of the second reading in the first session and the date of which it is passed by the Commons for the second time, it will become law despite the disapproval of the Lords.

(2) Financial functions: 

The House of Commons is supreme in financial matters. All money bills originate in the Commons. The Parliament Act of 1911 runs as follows: “If a money bill, having been passed by the House of Commons, and sent up to the House of Lords at least one month before the end of the session, is not passed by the House of Lords without amendment within one month after it is sent up to that House, the bill shall, unless the House of Commons direct to the contrary, be presented to his Majesty and becomes an Act of Parliament on the royal assent being signified, notwithstanding that the House of Lords has not assented to the bill.” 

The term ‘money bill’ is so defined as to include measures relating not only to taxation but also appropriation and loans and audits. The power to decide whether a bill is or is not a money bill within the meaning of the act, is given to the speaker of the House of Commons, with no appeal from his decision.

3) Adminitor Power

This house also enjoy adiminster power. There have the right of transfer to adminstative person because this real Government is from this house. 

4) Delicated Legislation 

This is also a greate funcation of delicated legislation. Parliament of UK is supreme institution all other departments are infaior in this repect. So house of common delecated these legislation to other atonomic bodies. 

5) Privileges of House of Common

 Following are privileges of this house.

a) Freedom of speach

It is the right of reprezantive of this house that there is a freedom of the house in matter of depate. After proper discusstion this house maintain public policy. It is a right are spealy discuss clearly and express. So there is right of speach in this house.

b) Right to Regulate: 

This house has right to regulate there own constitution. They can exculude are expele there number as the time of necceary. 

c) Exclusion: 

The house has also the right to exclued the stranger from this house. 

d) Right to prohabit Publication: 

This house has also the right of prohabit publication of its won debates. 

e) Freedom of Arest: 

Freedom from arest in civil case for a period of 40 days before and after the section of parliament but this rule cannot apply own criminal case.

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