In this post we will discuss about Achievement of Pushyamitra Sunga.
Pushyamitra was the founder of Shung Shung dynasty. Along with the end of the Maurya dynasty, the date of the ascension of Pushyamitra Sunga is considered. Pushyamitra Shunga laid the foundation of the Shunga dynasty by killing the last Maurya ruler Brahadratha. According to Merutunga, Pushyamitra ruled for 30 years and according to the Puranas for 36 years. It is said in the Puranas that Shungo ruled for 122 years. Pushyamitra’s reign is considered to be 36 years. He had been the governor of Avanti for 30 years before becoming the general of the Maurya dynasty, he had a good experience of running the rule. Pushyamitra died in 148 AD.
Achievements of Pushyamitra Sunga
The achievements of Pushyamitra, the founder of Shung dynasty are as follows-
1. War with Vidarbha
With the establishment of Shungo’s power over Magadha, Vidarbha province became independent from Magadha. From Malavikagnimitram we learn that Pushyamitra appointed his son Agnimitra as the governor (Gopta or Uparaja) of Vidisha (Eastern Malwa). Agnimitra had to fight with Yajnasena, the ruler of Vidarbha or Berar (to the south of Vidishi), who had recently become independent. Yajnasena is said to have been a relative of the Mauryan minister and therefore a natural enemy of Pushyamitra.
When Pushyamitra decided to reorganize and expand the Magadha Empire, he asked Yajnasena to surrender. But Yagyasen flatly refused, Then Yagyasena’s cousin Madhavasena was joined by Pushyamitra. When this Madhavsen was going towards Vidisha, the soldiers of Yajnasen arrested him. Agnimitra asked Yajnasena to release him.
Yajnasen agreed to release Madhavsen on the condition that the first Maurya minister in Agnimitra’s captivity should be released. Agnimitra became displeased at this and ordered Virasena to march on Vidarbha. Veerasena defeated Yagyasena and freed Madhavasena from prison. In the end, the state of Vidarbha was divided into two parts, which were ruled by Yajnasen and Madhavsen under Pushyamitra. Vardha river was the boundary line of both. were divided on which Yajnasen and Madhavsen started ruling under Pushyamitra. Vardha river was the boundary line of both. were divided on which Yajnasen and Madhavsen started ruling under Pushyamitra. Vardha river was the boundary line of both.
2. War with Kharavela
According to Jaiswal etc. scholars, Pushyamitra had a war with Kharvel in which he was defeated, but scholars like Rai Chaudhary, Chanda, Barua etc. do not believe so.
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3. Yavana Invasion
Pushyamitra had to take iron from the Yavanas as well. This was the most important achievement of Pushyamitra’s reign, protecting India from Yavana invasion. After the fall of the Maurya dynasty, the north-west frontier of the country had become insecure. The kingdoms of the Yavanas had been established near the border area of the country and they had made complete preparations for the invasion of India during the Sunga rule. It is said that two invasions were done by Yavanas during the period of Shungo. We get the description of these attacks from Patanjali’s “Mahabhashya” and Gargi Samhita. On the basis of Yugpuran of Gargi Samhita, it is said that the Yavanas established Saket, Attacked Panchal and Mathura and also on Kusumadhwaj (Patil’s son). According to Malavikagnimitram, the horse of the Ashwamedha yagya wandered and reached the south bank of the Indus. There the Yavanas caught the horse of this Ashvamedha Yagya. As a result of this war, Pushyamitra’s grandson Vasumitra defeated the Yavanas and performed the Ashwamedha Yagya.
4. Ashwamedha Yagya
The important event of the reign of Pushyamitra is the Ashwamedha Yagya. He was a Brahmin and wanted to re-establish the glory of Brahmin religion. He had left the horse in the custody of his grandson and Sumati, on the return of the horse the Ashwamedha Yagya was completed. It is known from the inscription of Ayodhya that Pushyamitra had performed two Ashwamedha Yagyas.
Kingdom expansion of Pushyamitra
The kingdom of Pushyamitra Shung was from Punjab to Jalandhar and Shakal (Syalkot). Ayodhya and Vidisha were also included in his kingdom.
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