Meaning And Features of Renaissance

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Que – What do you understand by the ‘Renaissance’ ? Point out its salient features.

Meaning And Features of Renaissance

From the 14th through the 17th centuries, significant advancements such as the Renaissance and Reformation occurred, bringing the Feudal system to an end. The Renaissance began as a movement to rediscover old scriptures and learn more about ancient Greece and Rome, but it quickly evolved into a movement of new ideas in art, religion, literature, philosophy, science, and politics. Humanism was fundamental to the Renaissance. It meant emphasizing humanity above divinity.

Meaning Of Renaissance-

The term Renaissance literally means “rebirth” or “revival”. In historical context, the term renaissance refers to the significant changes in Europe during the transition period between the medieval and modern periods. The term renaissance was first used in the 16th century in Italy, referred to the changes seen in architecture and sculpture and, in the 18th century, it was used for new creations in art and architecture.

According to J.E.S. Swain, – the word Renaissance is a collective term used to include all the intellectual changes that were in evidence at the close of the Middle ages and at the beginning of modern times.

According to the historian Jules Micilate, – ” Renaissance referred to two such factors that incorporate all the informative efforts of the Renaissance. Those Two factors are The discovery of the world and The discovery of the man”.

From the different views of different historians, it is clear that the Renaissance was such an intellectual and cultural movement that liberated man from medieval bondage and became free to express their independent thinking.

Characteristics of Renaissance-

There are several characteristics associated with Renaissance.

1- Humanism- It is a rational out look that gives prime importance to humans rather than religious or supernatural matters.Humanists were the Renaissance thinkers who were concerned with secular and human subjects rather than religious subjects. They shifted the focus of study and attention from religion to humans and nature. They believed that all human beings should have the right to express their opinion freely, develop their goals, and find happiness in life.

2- Glorification of Human Form – The Renaissance artists and scholars glorified the human body. Although the artists selected their subjects from the Bible, they portrayed the human form in all its earthly beauty and vigour.

3- Spirit of Enquiry- The Renaissance scholars questioned the dogmas which were propagated by the Catholic Church. The spirit of inquiry drove people to discover new knowledge based on rationalism.

4- The discoveries of new lands – The great sailor like Vasco-da-Gama and Columbus discovered many new lands like India and America. As a result,people of one country began to mix freely with the people of rest of the world.And there is exchange of Ideas.

#What are the four characteristics and features of Renaissance?

#What is the meaning of the word Renaissance?

#Meaning and features of renaissance

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