Machiavelli as a first modern political thinker

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Que) why Machiavelli called first modern political thinker. Discuss. 


father of modern era

In political philosophy, Machiavelli is called the child of the era as well as the father of the modern era. The fact is that Machiavelli is the child of Renaissance and Renaissance is the beginning of modernity. 

What is meant by calling Machiavelli the father of the modern era is that the modern era begins with Machiavelli and with the beginning of this era the Middle Ages ends. 

From the political point of view, the Middle Ages had three characteristics – feudalism, papacy and the Holy Roman Empire. 

Machiavelli was opposed to political empire on religious grounds and like Dante, he did not imagine a world empire. He considered the national state to be the best expression of the human mind, hence he wanted to see Italy develop as a national state. 
He has no faith in the divine law of the Middle Ages. And he considered only the laws made by the law maker or ruler as the best and supreme. 
Thus, Machiavelli’s thoughts were different from the thinkers of the Middle Ages in many respects. Now we will study those characteristics of the modern era, which we can first see in the ideology of Machiavelli and on the basis of which he can be called the father of the modern era And he considered only the laws made by the law maker or ruler as the best and supreme.
Thus, Machiavelli’s thoughts were different from the thinkers of the Middle Ages in many respects. 
Now we will study those characteristics of the modern era, which we can first see in the ideology of Machiavelli and on the basis of which he can be called the father of the modern era. 

  • Messenger of the national state – 
An important political change took place at the beginning of the modern era. The power and prestige of both the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy declined, and the  powerful in Europe national states emerged. These kings took autocratic political power into their hands and ended the power of religion. Every thinker of the modern era has propounded the idea of this national state and Machiavelli was the first in it. In the words of Doyle, “Machiavelli was the first thinker who discussed and analyzed the characteristics of the national state and tried to give birth to the concept of this political organism.” His best work ‘Prince’ is the biggest proof of this. He was an expert on the national states of his time – Germany, Spain, France. And he looked at England with great respect and if any objective of all his political activities can be said, then it was to transform Italy into a national state
  • Formulation of the modern status of the state –
 One of the main characteristics of the modern era is the very important status attained by the state and after Aristotle, Machiavelli is the first political thinker who has formulated the important status of the state. Machiavelli has propounded the importance of the state to such an extent that it has, in a way, made it an end in itself. Machiavelli was the first to say that the state is such a supreme authority only under whose subordination all other institutions and organizations can flourish. All other small and big institutions of the society can do their work safely only under the subordination of the state and can move ahead by coordinating their interests only in the interest of the state. This is the situation at present and Sabine gives credit to Machiavelli that he “had already anticipated this change in the direction of political development.
  • The idea of sovereignty –
The idea of sovereignty, which nourishes the sovereignty of the state, can be called the symbolic concept of the modern era and although Machiavelli has nowhere considered the sovereignty of the
state like Bodin, Grotius, Hobbes or Austin, nor has there been any definition of it. But he has considered the state as the supreme institution under whose subordination all individuals and institutions remain. According to Sabine, “The use of the word ‘state’ as the supreme political institution
started in modern languages from his writings. From the time of Machiavelli, the state started being
called sovereign and later the principle of sovereignty was propounded.” Even though Machiavelli may not have used the word ‘sovereignty’, in practice he has given full meaning to the sovereignty of the state. Machiavelli has believed that the state is such an organized power that can make all the individuals and institutions within its limits obey its orders on the strength of love or punishment and is conscious of its position while establishing relations with other states. Is. This is what sovereignty means in practice. Therefore, it has to be said that Machiavelli, if not in theory then in practice, was a supporter of state sovereignty. 
  • Separation of politics from religion and morality – 
The most important reason for calling Machiavelli the father of the modern era is his separation of politics from religion and morality. In the entire political philosophy of the Middle Ages, religion dominated politics and by appealing to morality and religion, political. The development of institutions was put on hold. The need to separate politics from religion in the late Middle Ages 1 “Machiavelli was the first thinker to examine and one Experiences were being made, but no one showed the necessary courage in this regard. Machiavelli was the first to boldly and candidly declare that politics has nothing to do with religion and morality and all types of means, appropriate or inappropriate, can be adopted as per need to achieve political goals. He propounded that religion and morality can live comfortably in the personal sphere, but in the public sphere they will have to remain as the cherry of politics and they will be used only as a political instrument. Thus, Machiavelli is the pioneer of politics free from religion and morality and in the words of Coker, “The main reason for calling Machiavelli the first modern political theorist is his indifference towards religion and morality and his appeal only to worldly experience and human reason. ” 
  • Pioneer of power politics – 
One specialty of the modern era is power politics and this power politics was started by Machiavelli. Machiavelli has emphasized on the establishment of a central authority and worshiped the supremacy of power. According to him, the justification for power is power itself. According to Maxi, he was the first thinker to adopt a realistic approach in this regard. Similarly, Donald Atbeljol has written that “If it is possible to summarize the central element of Machiavelli’s thinking in one word, then that element is power. How to create it, how to maintain it and how to expand it. Modern Politics The political and diplomatic maneuvers and deceptions that are used in Machiavelli himself supported it. 
  •  Supporters of individualism – 
A special trend of the modern era is individualistic ideology. At the beginning of the modern era, trade, commerce and industry were expanding and the ideology was gaining strength that the state should not interfere in the economic sector. According to this ideology, Machiavelli advised the government that the wealth of the people should not be hijacked under any circumstances and all necessary efforts should be made for the development of trade and commerce. In accordance with this trend, he advised the ruler that he himself should not get involved in trade and commerce. Machiavelli is also a messenger of individualism in the sense that he has tried to re- establish human personality by freeing it from the influence of the Roman Church. 
  • Promoter of materialism and utility – 
In the modern era, materialism and utilitarianism also It has a special place and Machiavelli is a leader in this regard also. He has stated that That man should only desire worldly happiness and every effort should be made for it. State and sovereignty, art and beauty, women and wine – these are the things worthy of enjoyment. Machiavelli’s This hedonistic message is very pleasing to the modern man and on this basis it is called utilitarianism. 

  • the first thinker of the federal state :-
Machiavelli has also put forward the idea of creating a ‘Commonwealth’ for Italy. He said that once the Prince would divide the unit states and bring them under his control, then he would create a federal state in which the power of governance would be divided among the units to some extent. In the modern era, federal systems are more practical for large states and Machiavelli may not have considered all the elements of a federal state, but he definitely took this idea. 

  •  Apart from all this, the followers of the modern study method are also the fathers of the modern era from the point of view of Machiavelli’s method. The main characteristics of modern study method can be stated as observation, Realistic approach, scientific neutrality, analysis and historical basis. 
  • In his method of study, Machiavelli had rejected the extreme religious viewpoint of the Middle Ages and to a great extent, his method of study has all the characteristics suitable for the study method of the modern era. On the basis of his subtle and clear vision, he observed the circumstances of that time and drew various conclusions on historical basis. Although Machiavelli lacks foresight and there are some errors in his study method, his study method is modern. Although at some places the indirect influence of the ideas of the Middle Ages is visible in Machiavelli’s ideology, the tendencies of the modern era are dominant in his political philosophy. And to a great extent he can rightly be called the ‘Father of the Modern Age’. W. T. Jones writes that “Machiavelli, more than anyone else, and despite the fact that he is hardly a political theorist, He is the father of modern political philosophy.

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