Growth of the Executive Powers in Modern Time

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Que) Discuss the factors responsible for the increase in the powers of Executive in Modern state.

Ans) Growth of the Executive Powers in Modern Time

The new dimension given rise by the decline in the powers of the legislature is related to the increase in the powers of the executive. Today in political science, development is discussed everywhere through the power of the political executive. The increase in the power of the executive in the governance systems of all countries has surprised political analysts. Today the executive has become the main instrument of policy-making. The circumstances arising after the Second World War and the welfare nature of the states have inclined the powers of the government towards the executive. 

Today, the following are considered to be the main reasons for the increase in the powers of the executive everywhere:-
(1) The executive has been more successful than the legislature in the efficient conduct of international relations. For this reason, today the executive in all countries has the freedom to conduct foreign policy successfully. Today only the executive has started making international agreements and treaties. The Shimla Agreement on India-Pakistan war was signed by the Executive of India.
(2) The legislature has given some part of its power to the executive in the form of administration. Using this power, today the executive has started making effective laws. Due to this, the power of the legislature has reduced but the power of the executive has increased.

(3) Today, the development of means of communication has directly connected the public with the executive. This has increased the accountability of the executive towards the public. Now the executive is appearing face to face with the public. The closeness of the executive towards the public has also increased the respect of the executive. Today, the executive itself has gone ahead of the legislature by cooperating with the public in increasing political consciousness.

(4) Today, Parliament has started being considered a center of meaningless debates. The behavior that comes before the public during the meetings of Parliament is well known. Today our MLAs or MPs have become synonymous with uncivilized behaviour. Today the public has started showing interest in a particular person only. People want to see unity in the country. Only the Chairman of the Executive can fulfill such a dream. Today the public has developed a popular image about the Prime Minister and the President. The reason for increasing public confidence in the present executive in India is the capable leadership of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Abdul Kalan. There is a shortage of such leadership in legislatures.

(5) There are more sessions of the executive than the sessions of the legislature. It has emerged as an organization that holds regular sessions. She is the watchdog of the society. the protector of the nation and the head of the administration. It has started entering the jurisdiction of other organs of the government in the interest of society. His reputation has increased due to his activism.

(6) Today only the executive is capable of fulfilling its responsibilities in dealing with the complex problems of the government. Today, because the policies of the government are related to the entire political life, it has become necessary for the executive to be aware. The respect of the executive has increased due to its success in fulfilling its responsibilities and dealing with complex political situations.

(7) Constitutional amendments have also increased the scope of power of the executive.

(8) The executive has the power to deal with recurring political and economic crises in the political system. By using these powers efficiently, the executive has also increased its powers.

(9) The executive also implements the laws of the legislature and the decisions of the courts Impartially and honestly. As the axis of governance, it has started giving impetus to the entire political system. Due to this his reputation is increasing

(10) At the time of national crisis, the executive is freed from all restrictions and its powers become unlimited. In the Kargil war, the Indian executive had the support of the people and political parties of the entire country. In India, the executive has also been given some constitutional facilities to face emergency.

(11) All the powers of the legislature also get vested in the executive through political parties. Due to the party’s majority in the legislature, it is successful in getting things done in the Parliament.

(12) In modern times, due to the unprecedented increase in the number of executive officers and institutions, the respect of the executive has also increased due to the improvement in the system of execution of the executive.

(13) The respect of the executive has also increased due to its efficiency and competence The executive consists of only qualified and experienced persons, whereas the legislature consists of illiterate, uncivilized and inexperienced persons. Every work done in the political system is the result of their ability and experience. Due to his role in law making and policy making, the power of the legislature has shifted to him.

(14) The concept of public welfare state has also increased the role of the executive.

(15) An ordinance is issued by the executive in the absence of a session of the legislature Due to her party’s majority, she later gets it approved by the Parliament. This has also increased the power of the executive.

(16) Due to the monopoly of the executive on the economic planning system, its effectiveness in governance has increased.

(17) The charismatic personality of the executives has also increased the respect of the executive. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in India, President Roosevelt in America, General DeGaal, President of France, Nelson Mandela in Africa and Colonel Mishra have become popular executives because of their personality. It is because of them that the prestige of the executive

(18) In parliamentary countries, the executive also has the power to dissolve the lower house. In India, the lower house of the nation can be dissolved. Because of this right, the executive is considered important in these countries.

(19) The incompetence and inability of the legislature itself is also responsible for increasing its powers. Unlimited powers of the executive in developing countries are the result of inability of the legislatures to perform their work.


Thus, it can be said that after the Second World War, the changing circumstances and the need for national development made the need to strengthen the executive felt. Due to the belief that it is necessary for the executive to be powerful to achieve the objective of public welfare, many changes have taken place in the practical structure of the executive. Now the executives are no longer just formal institutions that enforce laws and have established their influence in every sphere of political life. Today the practical form of the executive has changed. Due to the faulty functioning of the legislature itself, it is responsible for the increase in the powers of the executive. 
The executive, which is capable of handling the complexity of administrative tasks and dealing with them, has today achieved a respectable position and there is every possibility of its powers and prestige increasing in the future also.

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