main features of constitutionalism

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 Features of Constitutionalism :-

Although the constitution of any country can have quantitative similarity with the constitutions of other countries, because that constitution is not qualitatively similar to the constitutions of other countries, but from the point of view of constitutionalism, qualitative similarity can also be found in the constitutionalism of many countries. In developing democratic countries, all the characteristics or qualities of constitutionalism are found almost equally. These characteristics determine the nature of constitutionalism.

 Following are the main features of constitutionalism :-
Constitutionalism Concepts, Problems and Limitations

(1) Constitutionalism is a Dynamic Concept:- 

Dynamics is the main quality of constitutionalism. For this reason constitutionalism is an indicator of development, not an obstacle to development. Du Due to changing values and ideals of society according to time and circumstances, constitutionalism also has to change its nature. This is the basis of dynamism of constitutionalism. Along with establishing and achieving the values and ideals of the society, constitutionalism is also serious about the future aspirations of the society on new values. If constitutionalism is based only on the quality of peoplehood and changeability, then there will be no one to protect constitutionalism. This way The days of constitutionalism will soon be over and it will be destroyed. Therefore, the main quality of constitutionalism is dynamism and constitutionalism is a dynamic concept.

2) Constitutionalism is a value based concept: 
Constitutionalism is related to these ideals which are very important for a nation and are the basis of nationalism, constitutionalism It points to the beliefs, political ideals and values that every citizen holds dear. After the elite class, the intellectual class of the society takes it to the masses. Only when social acceptance is achieved, values become the ideal of the Constitution and constitutionalism is imbued with values. Citizens are ready to make every sacrifice to protect these values. The values which are rejected by the society move away from constitutionalism. Only after social acceptance, these values reach a prestigious place as national philosophy. Therefore, constitutionalism is a value-laden concept and it is related to national philosophy.

(3) Constitutionalism is a culture-bound concept:
 Values and ideals of anyone are the product of the culture of that country. Politics are part of the culture of society. Every country and its development also depends on the development of political culture. Constitutionalism is also closely linked to these values
and ideals. Although the quality of diversity is also found in the culture of political society, but constitutionalism as a coordinating force establishes harmony in all the opposites and makes them a part of the culture of our country. In this way, constitutionalism develops from the culture of each country Therefore, the Constitution has a deep connection with political culture.

(4) Constitutionalism is a Constitution based concept: 

The Constitution is a reflection of the values and ideals of the civil society. The Constitution is the supreme law of any country. Due to the system of restrictions, the public has deep faith in the Constitution. If trust and attachment are also the basis of constitutionalism. If there is no harmony between the Constitution and constitutionalism, then incidents of political upheaval may begin and an atmosphere of anarchy may arise in the country. Therefore there can be no one to save constitutionalism. Such a possibility exists only in abnormal situations, not in normal situations, hence constitutionalism has to depend on the Constitution itself. From this, Sanvidh Ganism acquires the quality of practicality. G

(5) Constitutionalism is a shared concept: 

The values and ideals of one country can also become a part of the constitution of other countries, but similar ideals remain good on the ministerial basis, not on the qualitative basis. But when constitutionalism becomes the ideal, these values and beliefs acquire the quality of stability. Although even countries with similar constitutionalism may have some dissimilar features, this difference remains quantitative, not qualitative. The basic characteristics of constitutionalism are almost similar in developing democratic countries. Even if any difference is visible, it gets dissolved in the coordinating power of constitutionalism. Therefore constitutionalism is a participatory concept. While each country has its own constitution, the characteristics of constitutionalism can be found equally in many countries.

(6) Constitutionalism is a practical concept: 

The main objective of constitutionalism, The objectives of the Constitution have to be achieved. In this work he cannot ignore the Constitution as a means. Due to the deep connection between ends and means, it would make sense to separate them from each other, of wed Destroying the soul of constitutionalism. Therefore, as an end, constitutionalism tries its best to achieve the values and ideals of political society. Therefore, constitutionalism is more concerned with ends and less with means.


Comparative Politics and Political Analysis Thus, it can be said that constitutionalism is a concept based on the Constitution. It tries to achieve the ideals and values of the Constitution as an end. Due to its deep connection with the values of political society, it is also related to culture. It also has the quality of adopting the culture of other countries and it also keeps moving towards development according to time and circumstances. Thus it is also a dynamic concept. Due to these characteristics of constitutionalism, constitutionalism expands to other countries and it becomes a broad concept.

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