Education is a broad term that is related to knowledge, experience, learning, and teaching. It is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits that enable an individual to develop and grow throughout their life, for themselves or for the betterment of society.
Meaning of Education
The meaning of education can be divided into three parts.
Etymological meaning of Education
If we try to trace out the origin of the word ‘Education’ we find that it has been derived from several Latin words-
Firstly it comes from the word ‘E’ which means “Out of and ‘Duco’ which means ‘I lead’. So, it implies that ‘Out of the native potentially I lead or develop.
Secondly, it come another word ‘Educere’ which means ‘to develop’, “to draw out’ or ‘to lead out’. So it implies that education is an act of drawing out something from within the person.
Thirdly, it comes from the word ‘Educare’ which means ‘to bring up’, ‘to raise, to foster the child for development.
Fourthly, the word ‘Education’ has been derived from the word “Educatum’ which means ‘the act of teaching’.
Narrow meaning of Education:
in the narrow sense education is confined to school and university Institutioris. It is believed that education start as soon as the child enters the school. It is over when he leaves it after completing a particular course of studies.
Wide meaning of Education
In the wider sense of term ‘Education’ we may say that this is actually a process of development from cradle to grave. In this, we find all sorts of influence like home life, influence of friendship, recreations, hobbies etc. this is a long process which is never ending.
Thus, education is a process by which a human being learns and experiences thoughts and behaviors from birth to death.
Some definitions of Education
Various definitions had given by various educationists in their own. ways Some of them are According to Aristotle, Education is the creation of a sounds mind in a sound body
Herbert Spencer defined Education as, The preparation for complete living In the words of Tagore, “Education is that which makes one’s life in harmony with all existence”.
Gandhiji said, “By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in the child and man- body, mind and soul’.
According to Swami Vivekananda, ‘Education is the manifestation of divine perfection, already existing in man According to Rousseau, Plants are developed by cultivation and men by education.
Nature of Education
The natures of education are:
(a) Education as a life-long process-
Education is a life-long process because every stage of life of an individual is important from educational point of view.
(b) Education as a systematic process –
It refers to transact its activities through a systematic institution and regulations.
(c) Education as development of individual and the society –
It is called a force for social development, which brings improvement in every aspect in the society.
(d) Education as modification of behavior-
Human behavior is modified and improved through educational process.
(e) Education as a training-
Human senses, mind, behavior, activities; skills are trained in a constructive and socially desirable way.
(f) Education as instruction and direction –
It directs and instructs an individual to fulfill his/her desires and needs for development of his/her whole personality.
(g) Education as life –
Life without education is meaningless and that is like the life of a beast. Every aspect and incident needs education for its sound development.
(h) Education as continuous reconstruction of our experiences –
As per the definition of John Dewey education reconstructs and remodels our experiences towards the socially desirable way.
(i) Education as the supreme power-
Education is a power and treasure in human being through which he is entitled as the supreme master on the earth.
Therefore, the role of education is countless for a perfect society and man. It is necessary for every society and nation to bring holistic happiness and prosperity to its individuals. unblocked games. thanks for your post
good post for unblocked games. thanks