Max Weber’s ideological theory of social change | Max Weber’s theory of social change

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Max Weber's ideological theory of social change | Max Weber's theory of social change
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Max Weber ‘s theory of social change is a modified version of Karl Marx ‘s theory of change, and hence it reflects Marx’s social change.

Weber, while modifying Marx’s social change, says that according to Marx, the only basis of social change is the economic system. Whereas according to Weber, economic system can be an important factor of social change but cannot be the only basis because sometimes religion also brings change in the society, hence religion can also be an important factor of change.

For example, feudal system was found in Europe earlier but in the Middle Ages when Protestant religion emerged in Europe, the feudal system was destroyed and capitalist system came into existence which had religious, economic and moral ideology. Capitalism came to Europe only because of Protestant religion, hence Weber said that religion is an important reason for change in European society. According to

Max Weber, there was some code of conduct in Protestant religion due to which capitalism came.

That code of conduct is as follows –

1- There is no alternative to hard work. Hard work is the only means to reach the goal. Work hard day and night like a madman and live like a saint.

2- Everything is predetermined. There is no way to know fate.

3- There is an indirect way of knowing destiny and that is that God chooses some people from the earth to run his kingdom and only those are chosen who have good destiny.

4- God chooses only those who get respect in the society.

5- Respect is received only by those who have capital.

This code of conduct creates a passion to earn money in people. The day a person gets respect in the society, he stops earning capital. Hence, an important reason for change is religion.

Weber studies the six great religions of the world to confirm his views on religion –

1- Christianity –

Under this, we study Catholic and Protestant religions and explain that the code of conduct of Protestant religion is such that it creates a passion for earning money among people due to which capitalism was established here.

2- Hinduism –

There was no obsession with earning money in this religion. The essence of this religion is the caste system. No such ideology or code of conduct is found here. Here the main goal is to attain salvation.


Even in this religion there was no such ideology or code of conduct that would create a passion for earning capital.

4-Islam religion –

Even in this religion there was no such code of conduct which could give rise to the passion for earning money.

5-Judaism –

There are tendencies of earning capital in this religion but it is a practice. Here people earn capital through interest, this is called Pariha Capitalism. But there was no such code of conduct here which could create an obsession of earning capital.

6- Confucianism –

Here, that code of conduct was found which could give birth to capitalism like that found in Protestant religion, but capitalism did not come to China. To know the reason for this, Weber studied the social structure of China and found that rationality had not come here, nor were economic elements found, whereas rationality had already come to Europe. Economic elements like currency and banking were found here, due to which capitalism came.

In conclusion – 

According to Weber – “Both economic system and religion are helpful factors of social change.” Where there are both economic elements and code of conduct, there is capitalism.

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