Difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism

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 Difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism

The Constitution itself is the basis of constitutionalism. Some political scholars consider these two synonymous, but in practice the situation may be different. After the First World War, Germany and Italy had constitutions, but there was no constitutionalism. Therefore, there is a difference between constitution and constitutionalism according to the circumstances. 

The main bases of this difference are as follows:

(1) Difference from the view point of definition – 

If seen on the basis of definition, the Constitution is a symbol of an organization and constitutionalism is a symbol of an ideology, which includes the values, beliefs and political ideals of the nation. The Constitution is an organization in which the relations between the government and the governed are determined. The Constitution is the autobiography of the powerful relations of the political system Constitutionalism-refers to those ideas that describe and support the Constitution and through which effective control is maintained on political power.

Comparative politics and political analysis is possible. C.F. Strong, while defining the Constitution, has said -The Constitution is a set of principles according to which harmony is established between the rights of the state, the rights of the citizens and the relations between the two. While defining constitutionalism, Corey and Abraham have written – “Government according to the instructions of the established constitution is considered constitutionalism. Thus, from the point of view of definition, the constitution represents an organization and constitutionalism represents an ideology

(2) Difference from the view point of Nature:-

From nature’s point of view, constitution is a means-oriented concept and constitutionalism is an end-oriented concept, Constitutionalism is the systematic arrangement to achieve the goals and objectives of political society, It tries to achieve the goals of every society through the means of constitution) In this way, the Constitution is the means which establishes constitutionalism by achieving the goals and objectives of the political society or achieves the goal of constitutionalism

(3) Difference from the view point of Origin: 

The constitution is created, whereas constitutionalism is the result of a long process of development. Although Britain’s Constitution is an exception to this because it is based on traditions and is unwritten. The constitution is made by some institution with supreme authority. For example, the Constitution of India was drafted by a Constituent Assembly in about 3 years Constitutionalism is the result of the development of values, beliefs and ideals of the political society of any country. Constitutions have always been changed and amended according to the needs of the people, but changing or abolishing constitutionalism after its establishment gives rise to autocracy and anarchy.

(4) Difference from the view point of Scope- 

From the point of view of the region, Constitution is an exclusive concept and constitutionalism is an inclusive concept, Constitutionalism can be found in many

countries if their culture is similar, but the constitution is different in every country, because the rights and duties described in it, the relationship between the ruler and the ruled are different in the political society of each country. Comests of Although the feature of equality is also visible in the constitutions of many countries, but this feature is quantitative, not qualitative. For example, constitutions in democratic

(5) Difference from the view point of Legitimacy:-

 The justification of the Constitution is proved on the basis of law, whereas in constitutionalism the justification of ideals is proved on the basis of ideology. The constitution of a country which has proper laws and rules and is in accordance with the will of the people, then that constitution is considered fair. Similarly, if efforts are made to achieve constitutional ideals in a country only through constitutional means, then constitutionalism is justified.

Conclusion – 

Thus we can say that there is a deep difference between the Constitution and constitutionalism. One is a symbol of organization and the other of ideology. One is a means and the other is an end, one is a limited concept and the other is expansive, one is created and the other is developed. Despite this difference, there is a close relationship between the two. Both are two sides of the same coin. If the directions of both diverge, it will have disastrous consequences for the political society.c countries often have many similar features. Similarly, a different kind of similarity is seen in the constitutions of communist countries also. In this way, constitution is a limited concept, whereas constitutionalism is a broad concept. It cannot be limited by the boundaries of time and place.

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