Presidential System of Government: Meaning, Features, Merits, Demerits

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Hello students! so today we will understand the political science’s topic Presidential System of Government: Meaning, Features, Merits, Demerits. we will discuss the definitions which is given by different scholars. we will also understand how Presidential system of government works and how they implements the rules and regulations. this article will be improve your knowledge in the context of Presidential form of Government. so students if this article helps you for knowledge then you can post comments. Keep Learning and Stay tuned with JASPSTUDY where SCHOLARS GONNA LEARN.

Presidential System of Government


Presidential system of governance is a system of governance based on separation of powers. In this, the mutual relations between the executive and the legislature are not as close as in parliamentary governance. In this, the executive is free from the control of the legislature and its tenure is also fixed. He does not need the support and cooperation of the legislature. In this, the position of the head of state is not nominal but real and he is usually elected by the people.

The Legislature can neither remove the President nor the cabinet formed by him by passing a no-confidence motion. In this, the members of the cabinet are neither members of the legislature nor are they answerable to it. In this, the President is the real executive, not the Prime Minister. In this, based on separation of powers, the powers of the executive are as independent and formal as those of the legislature. This system is in America.


Presidential government system is that system of government in which the executive is completely separate and independent from the legislature and the executive powers of the government are vested in the head of the government only and he Can use powers freely. The presidential system of governance forms a government based on separation of powers which discharges its responsibilities free from interference by the legislature. Some scholars have defined it as follows:-

(1) According to Gattle-“Presidential system of governance is that system in which the President or head of the executive is completely independent from the legislature regarding his policies and actions during his tenure.

2) According to Garner, Presidential government is one in which the executive or the President of the State and his cabinet are independent from the legislature regarding their tenure and policies in terms of the Constitution, in this, the Head of State has a nominal role. in place of the executive, there is a real executive and it makes independent and real use of the powers granted by the Constitution and law.

(3) According to Bagehot-“Presidential government is one in which the legislative and executive powers are independent from each other.

Thus, it can be said that the presidential system of governance is based on the principle of ‘Separation of Powers, in which the executive operates the government using the powers granted by the Constitution, being free from the control of the legislature. In this, the head of the executive is a person who is not answerable to the legislature.

Read Also- Difference between Constitution and Constitutionalism

Features of Presidential system of Government

1. Real head of the state:

In this system the head of the state is the real executive head.

2. Separation of powers;

The presidential form of government is based on the principle of separation of power among the three organs of the government. The executive is not responsible to legislature. The executive cannot dissolve the legislature. And the judiciary is independent from executive and legislature.

3. Principle of checks and balances:

All the three organs of the government is separated from each other but all are checking each other and restraining each other from any type of transgression of their power and functions.

4. Superior position of president

The president occupies a superior position because all the power of the government are concentrated with him.

5. Political homogeneity not necessary

it is not necessary that all cabinet should belong to same political party.

Merits of Presidential form

  1. Stable executive: It establishes a stable executive which does not depend upon the fluctuating will of the legislature. Presidential system is more stable than parliamentary as coalition governments in latter can collapse as seen in Indian experience.
  2. Better policy implementation: The tenure of the executive is fixed and, therefore, the policy is carried without any fear or favour. Further, a fixed tenure of office means a greater continuity of policies and programmes and higher standard of administration.
  3. Direct reflection of people’s choice: As the President is elected by the people, it is a direct choice rather than being elected by Member of Parliaments and Legislative assembly.
  1. Better administration: President can appoint anyone as secretaries (minister equivalent). In India minister has to be Member of Parliament. The top administrators are therefore experts in the field of administration to which they are assigned. Regarding their selection and appointment, the President has a wider choice and he may appoint efficient people without any party affiliations.
  2. Stricter separation of powers: In Parliamentary system there is overlap in legislature and Executive, thus weakening the prospect of legislature holding executive accountable.
  3. Faster decisions: US President is more powerful, than India President domestically hence faster decision making is possible in the former. Thus, in the presidential form, there is possibility of misuse of powers and the legislatures are likely to be less dominant and arrogant.
  4. People’s participation: Popular election of the chief executive is supported to stimulate citizens’ interests in public affairs and competition for one important office, concentrates public attention on the issue of the day more effectively than the elections for legislative seats.
  5. Continuity of Policy: In presidential rule, due to the tenure of the government being fixed, the same policy continues for a long time. Many times the President in America has served several consecutive terms. In such a situation, a policy made once can remain effective for a long time. Since the tenure in France is 7 years, there is no inconvenience in maintaining policy stability.
  6. Lack of Despotism: Since the presidential system of governance is based on separation of powers, no part of the government has enough powers to become autocratic. In this, the legislature makes laws and the executive implements them. Due to division of power to make and implement laws The fear of powerlessness ends.
  7. Suitable in time of emergency: In a presidential government, all executive powers are vested in the President or the Head of Government. In this, before taking any decision in crisis situations, the Legislature It is not necessary to take consent. Therefore, in critical situations, quick decisions should be taken and immediate action should be taken.

Demerits of presidential system:

  1. Autocratic: The presidential system appears to be autocratic because the President is empowered to act more s in his discretion. LIGAR or less
  2. Irresponsible: It is irresponsible because the executive is made independent of the legislature. There is no effective means by which the responsibility for the exercise of power may be ensured.
  3. Lack of co-operation: Another weakness of the system is its failure to ensure the co-operation between law-makers and administrators. Frequent conflicts between the legislature and the executive may lead to deadlocks.
  4. Lack of accountability. There is no continuous accountability of the executive to the representatives of the people in the legislature. The fixed term of office of the executive also curtails responsiveness to public opinion.
  5. The biggest demerit of this system is that it is inelastic structure and uncertain in fixing up the final responsibility. It is inelastic because, once the President has been elected, the nation must continue with him, no matter whether it likes or dislikes his policies.
  6. Deadlock on important issues: Frequent conflicts between the legislature and the executive may lead to deadlocks.
  7. In this, the President has acting powers and his tenure is also fixed. He knows that he cannot be removed prematurely, hence he can become autocratic.
  8. There is no provision for alternative government in it. It is impossible to change the Head of State in special circumstances.
  9. In presidential government, the powers of governance are concentrated in a single person or Institution. Cerntralization of powers can never be acceptable in a modern democracy. Therefore, centralization of executive powers in an autocratic government is against the spirit of democracy.
  10. Due to lack of criticism in this governance system, the government does not get the opportunity to understand its shortcomings and prevent their recurrence.


Thus, it can be said that the presidential system of governance has many demerits. In this, the danger of autocracy may arise due to the powers of governance being in the hands of one person. But in a country like America, this governance system is working successfully. In reality, the success of any governance system depends on the circumstances of the country and the character of its citizens. Therefore, whatever the system of governance, it is very important for it to be useful for a particular country. There cannot be any other alternative to this governance system in America. Like every governance system, it also has some demerits, but in America it has been made more useful by trying to keep its demerits away from it. Therefore, according to the time, place and circumstances, the presidential system of governance is as good as the parliamentary system of governance. If the model of parliamentary government has been adopted in Britain and India, then the model of presidential government has been adopted in America. Therefore, according to the circumstances, centralization of powers and parliamentary governance systems are equally important in different circumstances for a particular country.

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