Origin and Geographical Extent of Harappan civilization

Origin and Geographical Extent of Harappan civilization

Origin and Geographical Extent of Harappan civilization: In this article we will discuss about Origin and geographical Extent of Harappan civilization. Introduction of Harappan Civilization (Bronze Age) – c.2600 – 1900 BCE Earlier historians had called this civilisation “The Indus Valley Civilisation”, but later on, major settlements have been excavated in the Ghaggar – Hakra […]

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Features of the Harappan civilisation

Features of the Harappan civilisation

Features of the Harappan civilisation: In this post we will discuss about Features of the Harappan civilisation. Introduction of Harappan Civilisation (Bronze Age) – c.2600 – 1900 BCE Earlier historians had called this civilisation “The Indus Valley Civilisation”, but later on, major settlements have been excavated in the Ghaggar – Hakra belt that spread beyond

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Sailent features of the town planning of Harappan civilization

Sailent features of the town planning of Harappan civilization

Describe the sailent features of the Harappan civilization with special reference to town planning. OR Discuss the sailent features of the town planning of Harappan culture. Sailent features of the town planning of Harappan civilization: In this post we will discuss about Sailent features of the town planning of Harappan civilization. Introduction The Harappan civilization,

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Write a detailed note on Kayatha Culture and its salient features

Write a detailed note on Kayatha Culture and its salient features

Kayatha Culture and its salient features: In this post we will discuss about Kayatha Culture. We will also discuss about salient features of Kayatha Culture. Introduction of Kayatha Culture -2450-1700 В.С. The Kayatha culture is named after the site of Kayatha (25 km east of Ujjain) located on the bank of the Kalisindh, and affluent

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Write an essay on Jorwe Culture

Write an essay on Jorwe Culture

Write an essay on Jorwe Culture: In this article we will understand about Jorwe Culture. Introduction The Jorwe Culture covered modern Maharashtra except part of Vidarbha and Coastal region of Konkan. Although the Jorwe culture was rural, some of its settlements such as Daimabad and Inamgaon had almost reached the urban stage. All these Maharashtra

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An overview of South Indian Politics during the early medieval period

An overview of South Indian Politics during the early medieval period

An overview of South Indian Politics during the early medieval period: In this post we will discuss about An overview of South Indian Politics during the early medieval period. Discuss in detail an overview of south indian politics during the early medieval period? The early medieval period in South India, roughly spanning from the 6th

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Definition of Archaeology and its relation with social science

Definition of Archaeology and its relation with social science

What is the definition of archaeology ? how is it related with social science ? OR Give the definition of archaeology and discuss its relation with social science. Definition of Archaeology and its relation with social science: In this article we will discuss about Definition of Archaeology and its relation with social science. we will

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Definition of Archaeology and its relation with natural science

Definition of Archaeology and its relation with natural science

What is the definition of archaeology ? how is it related with natural science? OR Write the definition of archaeology and discuss its relation with natural science. Definition of Archaeology and its relation with natural science: In this article we will discuss about Definition of Archaeology and its relation with natural science. For exam perspective

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BED Latest news अगर आप भी 2025 में बीएड करने की सोच रहे है और बनना चाहते है शिक्षक तो जान ले पहले ये नए नियम

BED Latest news:अगर आप भी 2025 में बीएड करने की सोच रहे है और बनना चाहते है शिक्षक तो जान ले पहले ये नए नियम

BED Latest news: बीएड (Bachler of Education) यह एक शिक्षण डिग्री है जिसे भारत में शिक्षक बनने के लिए सभी छात्र व छात्राएं प्राप्त करते है। कोर्स यदि आप यह इसे पढ़ रहे हैं तो इसका मतलब यह निकलता है कि आप पठन पाठन में अपना करियर बनाना चाहते हैं । आप एक शिक्षक बनना

BED Latest news:अगर आप भी 2025 में बीएड करने की सोच रहे है और बनना चाहते है शिक्षक तो जान ले पहले ये नए नियम Read More »

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